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"Thank you very much for that information on how to worship Nang Kruan spirit. Now I understand (:-D). Also thanks for the Manee Mon Naga amulet. I got it this morning. So beautiul. I never imagined it!! Again, many thanks for all your advice and he"
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Trade Mark
PDMAB3603 : Powerfully Lucky Guman Thong Kanong Sap in Sandalwood Oil (LP Sing, Wat Ban Pa Tabang, Nakhon Ratchasima Province)
with Katha: GT_Master
Stock Status Discontinued   
Size 2 x 5.5 cm


100% Authentic from the Temple

Don’t miss out!

Name: Guman Thong Kanong Sap in Oil

From: LP Sing, Wat Ban Pa Tabang, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

Origin: Thailand

Year: 2559 BE (2016 CE)

Size: 2 x 5.5 cm

Description: Superb method of making Guman Thong. Powerly attracts money and people kindness supporting finance and business. Blessed magically in style of LP Sing inviting divine spirits to join in. Without any bad spiritual effects because this Guman Thong is a benevolent spirit who wants to help people. Guman Thong’s figure is made of wood. Contained in a bottle with holy sandalwood oil added with joss stick ash from 9 rituals to increase the power.

Quantity Built: created only 999 pieces

Purpose: to earn proceeds from amulet for completing the being constructed new chapel

About Luang Pu Sing:

This Luang Pu Sing an abbot of Wat Ban Pa Tabang in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. He is a good monk. A lot of people admire and respect him. LP Sing is a disciple of LP Gerng of Wat Po Chai, Nong Khai Province who is a disciple of LP Mun.
LP Sing likes to help people who are in trouble by using his good power without any fee for example LP Sing sprinkled holy water over a poor man and said that a poor man would be rich by not longer than 2 years. Since then, a poor man has run business well and now has good finances.
LP Sing learnt many things during going on a pilgrimage. He saw fierce animals and spirits, but he could get through a serious situation because he had strong mindfulness and good power.
LP Sing is diligent. Although he gets older, he still works as usual such as sweeping the ground, looking after the temple and else.

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Note: The real item may be different from picture. It is in original condition from temple.
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Amulets by LP Sing, Wat Ban Pa Tabang, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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