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PDMAC2227Ra : Rare B.E.2535 Super Seductive Rich & Protect Palad Khik Mai Khanoon Tai Prai- Sek Tapoon Thorn batch (LP Yid, Wat Nong Jok, Prachuabkirikhan Province)
with Katha: PK_LPYid
Stock Status Out of Stock   
Size about 2.5 inches long (1.1 x 6 cm)


**Note to Pending Order: Due to rare item and fast allocate in amulet market, we can hold order only 24 hrs. Thank you.

100% Authentic from the Temple

Don’t miss!

Name: BE2535 Palad Khik Mai Khanoon Tai Prai

**This amulet has Yant handwriting of LP Yid that is very rare to find.

**built only about 1500 pcs.

From: LP Yid, Wat Nong Jok, Prachuabkirikhan Province

Name: Sek Tapoo Thorn (Meaning: nails magically came off by itself)

Year: BE2535 (CE1992)

Origin: Thailand

Size: about 2.5 inches long (1.1 x 6 cm)

Material:this Plalad Khik created from magical jackfruit wood or Mai Khanoon Tai Prai.

Tai Prai = Tree which dies while going to produce fruit (fruit does not come out, but tree die before)

Thai people believe the tree dying before giving fruit has mysterious power in itself that can increase power of the amulet.

Thai people believe Mai Khanoon or Jackfruit wood can bring us people kindness and support because "Khanoon" sounds like "to support/back up" in Thai.

Purpose: LP Yid would like to donate money from Palad Khik to help to develop and restore old buildings in temple Wat Nong Jok.

Consecration: LP Yid strongly blessed Palad Khik with mantra and mindstream in sacred ceremony called “Phithee Sek Tapoo Thorn” on 20 November CE1992.

Phithee means “ceremony”
Sek means “to bless”.
Tapoo means “a nail” (tool).
Thorn means “remove”.

The reason that calls “Sek Tapoon Thorn” because while LP Yid was blessing his mindstream was so strong that made nails which hold consecrating pavilion getting lose and coming off one by one in front of eyes of attendees in the ceremony. After ceremony, people rushed to get those holy nails lying on the ground to worship at home. People do believe power of any amulet blessed in this ceremony able to remove and protect owner from any voodoo and danger.

Moreover, after Phithee Sek Tapoo Thorn, LP Yid intensively blessed this batch once again for 3 months called Traimas before releasing to worship.

Power: Regarding to Thai history, Thai name for a penis amulet is Palad Khik which means "honorable surrogate penis." Have a long tradition as lucky charms and protected from fierce animals like snake or scorpion, are worn by boys and men on a waist-string under the clothes, off-center from the real penis, in the hope that they will attract and absorb any magical injury directed toward the generative organs. It is not uncommon for a man to wear several palad khik at one time. One may use to increase gambling luck. Another may use to attract women and a third for invulnerability from bullets and knives. Women in Thailand do not generally wear Palad Khiks, but they keep Palad Khik in purse. They believe that Palad Khik can help the owner to secure good fortune in business.

Palad Khik of LP Yid is regarded best of Palad Khik in Thailand because of many wonderful experiences from worshipers that has been renowned since LP Yid's life time and continued after he passed away.

Here are powers of Palad Khik by LP Yid:

People said if touch Palad and on product it will help sell very well. There is one story from Chinese trader who exported jewelry. When he sent out jewelry, customer claimed his jewelry had defect. Chinese trader was so worried. One day someone suggested him to visit LP Yid. LP Yid gave Palad Khik to Chinese trader and told him to touch on jewelry the same batch he sent out and re-sent to customer again. It was wonderful customer very happy with jewelry.

Keep Away Poisonous Animals
People said if touch Palad Khik on bites from poisonous animals such as centipedes, wasps, scorpions, etc. Those bites would be less painful. There is a story a father too his son to LP Yid. His son was bitten by big wasps at head and crying with pain. When LP Yid touched Palad Khik on the boy, the boy stopped crying amazingly

Protection from dangers

One of prominent power of LP Yid’s Palad Khik is protection. It is very popular among soldiers and police because it is believed whoever has Palad Khik LP Yid will be safe from dangers and gain people kindness and good fortune as well.

The Biography of LP Yid:
Luang Pu Yid of Wat Nong Jok, Prachuap Kiree Kan Province was born on 10th
June 1924 and passed away on 31st July 1995 at the age of 71 year old. From the age of six he stayed and regularly served his uncle Hual, who was a monk at Wat NaProm. LP Yid became novice at the 9 years old under arrangement of his uncle. Also, LP Yid first started studying knowledge of Dharma and letter from Yahn Script with LP Hual (his uncle). At the same time he had learned Sammahdti from Kroo Hree ManMek. LP Yid accompaned his uncle when LP Hual he went Tudung for 4 years. Until, the age of 14, he leaved the Buddhist Monkhood to his family. He help parent to do farming. At the age 17-19 year old, every day many friends came to meet LP Yid. They really need him to write spiritual tattoos. He has been started famous since then.

At the age of 20 year old, he was first ordained a monk at Wat Yarng. After that, he went to LP Sook of Wat ToneLuang for building up knowledge of Visha and Buddhism way. Until finished, He went or Tudong in the deep jungle and cemetery alone to gain knowledge, to build up good/karma and to know the teaching of Buddha by many years. After that he returned to Wat NaProm again. In 1944, he leaved the Buddhist Monkshood and returned to his family again. He had to look after his parent. Also, he was a famous Ajarn of spiritual tattoos. In 1975, he was ordained as monk for a second time. LP Piem from Wat GauLuk was the officiator at his second ordination. And then, he went to Wat TungNoi, Prachuap Kiree Kan Province. At the same time, two disciples gave the land (21 Rai) to LP Yid for building the Wat Nong Jok. He is well-known and popular for his knowledge in both Dharma and Visha (supernatural arts). He takes a shower once a year only but LP Yid does not have a body odor. LP Yid is one of the famous guru monks who have been created famous Palad-Khik and Buddha amulets.

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