PDMAC4392 : Takrut Nak Kiao (black rhodium) (LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province) with Katha: Charm_Master | | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
| 100% Authentic from temple
Name: Takrut Nak Kiao (black rhodium)
From: LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Toong Setthi, Roi Et Province
Size: 2 x 5.5 cm.
Material:the powerful Takrut made from copper and the sheath made from bronze plated black rhodium.
Origin: Thailand
Quantity Made: 599 items
Benefits: Takrut Nak Kiao by LP Nen is great of charming and attractive that can make a worshipper to be more charm. Moreover, there is well known about bring wealth, success and good business to a worshipper too.
Purposes of Creation: Donate money from the amulets to develop and restore the buildings in Wat Ban Kases Toong Setthi.
The history of LP Nen:
LP Nen will build a temple, the place for Thamma for collecting Buddhist minds of all students that pay respect of LP. Besides, for the gratitude of parents, teachers and so on. Wat Ban Kases Toong Setthi locates in Moo 11, Ban Kases, Tumbon Phonethong, Amphor Ponethong, Roi Et Province. First establish in February BE2549 by the mental and trust from LP’s students.
LP Nen is special in Phra Vesh and Arthan, especially in Hoon Pha Yon Num Choke.
'When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link: https://shorturl.at/dosz8'
| Amulets by LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province
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Love Charm & Work Success: Khao Phutthakhun (White Buddha's grace) Khun Phaen Prai 5 Nang the five lady sp with Katha KP_Master.mp3
LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province |

Love Charm & Work Success: Wan Mahalarp (Yellow Color) Khun Phaen Prai 5 Nang the five lady spirits with Katha KP_Master.mp3
LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province |

Love Charm & Work Success: Wan Mahalarp (Yellow Color) Khun Phaen Prai 5 Nang the five lady spirits with Katha KP_Master.mp3
LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province |

Love Charm & Work Success: Wan Mahalarp (Yellow Color) Khun Phaen Prai 5 Nang the five lady spirits with Katha KP_Master.mp3
LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province |

Powerful Phra Khun Paen Prai Jom Rachan Amulet with Katha KP_Master.mp3
LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province |

Powerful Phra Khun Paen Prai Jom Rachan Amulet with Katha KP_Master.mp3
LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province |

Popular Charm & Kindness: Jing Jork Kao Hong Locket in Oil with Katha JingJorkKaoHang
LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province |

Fulfilling Mam Spirit: White Powder Nang Pim Amulet with Katha Charm_Master
LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province |

Fulfilling Mam Spirit: Yellow Powder Nang Pim Amulet with Katha Charm_Master
LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province |

Fulfilling Mam Spirit: Gilded Purple Nang Pim Amulet with Katha Charm_Master
LP Nen Kampeero, Wat Ban Kases Thung Setthi, Roi Et Province |
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