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PDMAD2134R : Wealth, Business, Windfalls Before B.E.2500 (CE 1957) Fortune-Fetching Monk Phra Sivali Phong Ittije Mix Prai Powder (LP Chay, Wat Hua Wao, Singburi Province) 帕西瓦里
with Katha: Buddha_LPChay&LPBoonchu
Stock Status Out of Stock   
Size 1.2 x 2.3 cm


100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: Fortune-Fetching Monk Phra Sivali Phong Ittije Mix Prai Powder

From: LP Chay, Wat Hua Wao, Singburi Province

Origin: Thailand

Year: before BE2500 (CE1957)

Power: Great Charm that can draw good feelings and kindness from people. Suitable for doing business or dealing with people that people will accept what you offer easily. Moreover, LP Chai's amulet can protect owner from harm and dangers.

Phra Sivali - The Great Fortune-fetching Monk

Free from Debts, Poverty & Boosting Wealth

Phra Sivali (also Sivali Thera) is widely venerated among Theravada Buddhists, typically depicted standing upright and carrying a monk’s stuff most familiarly with an umbrella and alms bowl. Phra Sivali was an enlightened disciple of Buddha.

Buddha gave him to be a person who has wealth and does not starve because when he went on a pilgrimage, the Buddha said that if he went with Phra Sivali, there was no starvation. Even if he was in the forest, in the wilderness, there would be an angel to offer food to monks.

With lots of merit he did with pure faith during his lifetime especially offering honey to Buddha, people believe that worshipers of Phra Sivali will never get starving and encounter poverty.

LP Chay was a former abbot of Wat Hua Wao. He was a teacher of LP Boonchu. LP Chay was expert at making Phong Ittige. LP Chay passed away on 25 September 2501 by senility.

Material:Phong Ittije of LP Boonchu holds great charm power mixed with spiritual powder of the deceased and 7-cemetery soil to add more power.

Phong Ittije LP Chay used his mindstream to make by using white clay pencil writing on slate board until finish and erasing to get the power. When pencil was used up, LP made sculpted new white clay pencil by himself. LP chanted Katha along when making a pencil to build up great power.

** Amulet from LP Chay is not dangerous because LP perfectly cleansed bad mysteries from spirit material, so there is no backfire and no offering like other Prai items.**

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Amulets by LP Chay, Wat Hua Wao, Singburi Province

Total 1 Record : 1 Page : 1

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Gainful Business: 2nd Prize Competition* Nang Kwak 2496 BE Pong Ittije Mixed with Pong Prai
with Katha NK_Master

LP Chay, Wat Hua Wao, Singburi Province

Total 1 Record : 1 Page : 1

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