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PDMAD2683 : Wealth, Luck, Protection Green LP Simpalee Locket with Phra Sivali, etc. No.853 (LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province)
with Katha: LPSimpalee
Stock Status Out of Stock   
Size width 2.2 x height 3 cm


Do not miss!

100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: LP Simpalee Locket with Phra Sivali, Takrut & LP's Robe

Color: green

Serial Number: 853

From: LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province

Origin: Thailand

Material:enameled case filled with Energy Mineral Powder special formula by LP Simpalee only.

The Energy Mineral Powder by LP Simpalee is now talked among worshippers that it can fill person with energy, so they feel warm in cold weather and feel healthy.

Feature: Moreover with Phra Sivali figure (God of Plenty), 2 Takrut and a piece of LP Simpalee’s robe

**Benefits: This LP Simpalee locket will help and protect when you are in danger and will make you energetic, lucky, wealthy and prosperous.

Year Issued:2558 BE (2015 CE)

Purposes of Creation:
1. To celebrate 119th anniversary of LP Simpalee
2. Proceeds for developing and restoring Wat Pawichai Ruammit

Consecration: LP Simpalee has already fully blessed this amulet by himself.

About the Guru Monk:
LP Simpalee was born on the 5th January BE 2439 (CE 1896) in Cambodia. He is now 119 (CE 2015). LP Simpalee has got Yant on his body since he was born. When he was 15, he got ordained as a novice. He learnt magic from Cambodian monks. When he was 22, he got ordained as a monk by LP Mun and LP Waen.
After ordination, LP Simpalee went on a pilgrimage in PaKaoSamRoiYot, Cambodia for 25 years. He became an expert in magic and his best mindfulness made him know everything such as languages. LP Simpalee can understand English and other languages although he has never studied before. Then he went to India for a pilgrimage. In India, he taught English to Indian secondary students for 7 years.
When he came back to Thailand, he built the temple in Buriram Province. He had been an abbot of his temple for 23 years before he left the temple to go on a pilgrimage. He appointed a monk as an abbot in place of him. Later, LP Simpalee was appointed as an ambassador monk by Somdej Pra SangKaraj, the leader of monks in Thailand to teach dharma people in other countries. After that, in BE 2546 (CE 2003), he built Wat Pawichai Ruammit in Loei Province. He has been an abbot of Wat Pawichai Ruammit since that time.

Wonderful Experiences:
People who have LP Simpalee’s amulets have wonderful experiences for example:
1. A female worshipper having Look Om, one day, she drove to the car wash shop. While she was waiting for her car, the other customers gradually came. She believes that Look Om by LP Simpalee can attract people.
2. A male worshipper having Takrut Dueng Lai Mue, the first day, he was dizzy. He thought he had that symptom because he was in the beginning. Now, he has got long palm lines and when the weather is cold, he feels warm. His health is better. He also has Takrut Mia Mak. When he goes, he feels girls look at him.
3. The pyramid amulet by LP Simpalee is made of Rae Perm Parang Kai. You can wear it when you do exercise, running, dancing, sporting and etc. Pyramid can help your body warm. If you feel cold, you will feel warm and not be tired easily. After you wear pyramid you will have more energy. Everybody (all ages) can wear pyramid.

When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link:

Amulets by LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province

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product detail / customize add to cart $6.11
Wealth Luck Overcome Famine: Millionaire Star 2nd Batch with Energy & Mercy and Lek Lai Setthi (No Takrut)
with Katha Amulet_LPSimpalee_SHRKH

LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province

product detail / customize add to cart $30.59
Wealth Luck Overcome Famine: Millionaire Star 2nd Batch with Silver Takrut, Small Lek Lai & Lek Lai Setthi
with Katha Amulet_LPSimpalee_SHRKH

LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province

product detail / customize add to cart $35.69
Luck Wealth Overcome Famine: Millionaire Star 2nd Batch with Gold Takrut, Small Lek Lai & Lek Lai Setthi
with Katha Amulet_LPSimpalee_SHRKH

LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province

product detail / customize add to cart $53.03
Great Wealth, Fortune & Protection Enameled Copper Sema LP Simpalee Medal (No.140)
with Katha LPSimpalee

LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province

product detail / customize add to cart $53.03
Great Wealth, Fortune & Protection Enameled Copper Sema LP Simpalee Medal (No.95)
with Katha LPSimpalee

LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province

product detail / customize add to cart $24.47
Extreme Love & Charm: (5 Pcs) Set of Mia Mak the 2nd Batch
with Katha Charm_LPSimpalee

LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province

product detail / customize add to cart $15.29
Money All Directions: Brass Rian Perd Watsana Ruay Lan (Open Fortune Millionaire Medal)
with Katha Medal_LPSimpalee_PerdWatsana

LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province

product detail / customize add to cart $11.21
Money All Directions: Copper Rian Perd Watsana Ruay Lan (Open Fortune Millionaire Medal)
with Katha Medal_LPSimpalee_PerdWatsana

LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province

product detail / customize add to cart $15.29
Si Phueng Salika Lin Thong Magic Lip WaxGolden Tongue Salika Super Charming Convincing Sales & Flirt Love
with Katha SP_LPSimpalee_Salika

LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province

product detail / customize add to cart $9.99
Money Lucky Mercy Look Om Rae Perm Parang Kai (Holy Ball LP Simpalee Energy Mineral Powder)
with Katha LPSimpalee_Master

LP Simpalee, Wat Pawichai Ruammit, Loei Province

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