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PDMAD4472R : WEALTH & PLENTY - Green Phra Somdej Chana Marn Bandan Sap (LP Thongdam, Wat Tham Taphian Thong, Lopburi Province)
with Katha: SD_LPThongdam
Stock Status Low in Stock   
(1 left in stock)
Size 3.6 x 5.5 cm
Unit(s) to order
Subtotal27.53 USD  


100% Authentic from the Temple

Name: Phra Somdej Chana Marn Bandan Sap (with a serial number)

Color: green

From: LP Thongdam, Wat Tham Taphian Thong, Lopburi Province

Origin: Thailand

Batch: Plod Nee Thawee Sap

Year Issued:2552 BE (2009 CE)

Material:rice leaf powder with one holy paddy grain

Quantity Made: 2,999 pcs

- The front has Buddha sitting under Bodhi Tree symbolizing enlightenment.
- Under Buddha, there is Phra Mae Thorani (Earth Goddess) squeezing massive water from her hair to help Buddha from demons who were trying to stop Buddha from enlightenment.
- The back side has Phra Mae Phosop (Rice Goddess) attached with a paddy grain representing "abundance"

Consecration: LP Thongdam blessed at Puttapisek Ceremony on 16 August 2009 which as the 76th birthday of LP Thongdam.

Benefits: This amulet will bring wealth, good luck, good business and a safe life. Moreover, this Buddha will make you pass obstacles in your life.

The Biography of LP Thongdam:

LP Thongdam Inthawangso , Lopburi Province, is a senior follower of Luang Poo Mum of Wat Prasat yernue. LP Thongdam is the first monk who created style of Phra Khun Paen JowSup JowSaneh in present time and popular for his knowledge in both holy Dharma and Visha (supernatural arts). He has been studied the art of making efficacious Phra Khun Paen amulet from Cambodia. LP Thongdam passed away on 17 January 2567 BE (2024 CE).

R.I.P. LP Thongdam Inthawangso passed away on 17 Jan. 2024 at the age of 92.

"When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link:"

Amulets by LP Thongdam, Wat Tham Taphian Thong, Lopburi Province

Total 8 Record : 1 Page : 1

product detail / customize add to cart $23.45
Protection: Phra Yod Khun Pon Traimat 45 (with temple box)
with Katha LPThongdam_WatThamTaphianThong

LP Thongdam, Wat Tham Taphian Thong, Lopburi Province

product detail / customize add to cart $23.45
Luck, Safe Journey, Wealth: No.916 Brass Erawan Three Headed Elephant Amulet
with Katha Elephant_Erawan

LP Thongdam, Wat Tham Taphian Thong, Lopburi Province

product detail / customize add to cart $47.99
Wealth & Business: LP Thongdam amulet Pang Jok Bat (putting hand in alms bowl)
with Katha LPThongdam_WatThamTaphianThong

LP Thongdam, Wat Tham Taphian Thong, Lopburi Province

product detail / customize add to cart $22.43
Business Agility, Fortune: 2 Pcs of Pla Tapian Ngoen Tapian Thong Fish
with Katha LPThongdam_WatThamTaphianThong

LP Thongdam, Wat Tham Taphian Thong, Lopburi Province

product detail / customize add to cart $46.91
Change Bad Luck to Good Luck: No.333 Phra Phrom (Brahma) Amulet
with Katha LPThongdam_WatThamTaphianThong

LP Thongdam, Wat Tham Taphian Thong, Lopburi Province

product detail / customize add to cart $27.53
WEALTH & PLENTY - Green Phra Somdej Chana Marn Bandan Sap
with Katha SD_LPThongdam

LP Thongdam, Wat Tham Taphian Thong, Lopburi Province

product detail / customize add to cart $27.53
WEALTH & PLENTY - Black Phra Somdej Chana Marn Bandan Sap
with Katha SD_LPThongdam

LP Thongdam, Wat Tham Taphian Thong, Lopburi Province

product detail / customize add to cart $27.53
WEALTH & PLENTY - White Phra Somdej Chana Marn Bandan Sap
with Katha SD_LPThongdam

LP Thongdam, Wat Tham Taphian Thong, Lopburi Province

Total 8 Record : 1 Page : 1

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