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"I already received all items and Holy water NumMon SakSit of LP Yam.(Plus katha for takrut).Thank you very much.You are very kind and intelligence."
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PDMPR1021 : Speed Up Rich: Maha Chanuan (multi-metal) Nang Kwak Lorh Boran Amulet (LP Saen, Wat Ban Nong Jik, Sisaket Province)
with Katha: LPSaen_WatBanNongJik
Stock Status Out of Stock   
Size Options: B (No.708)
C (No.291)


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100% Authentic from the Temple

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Name: Nang Kwak Lorh Boran Amulet

‘Lorh Boran’ is the classic method of casting amulet. It is done by man not machine.

From: LP Saen, Wat Ban Nong Jik, Sisaket Province

Origin: Thailand

Name: Kwak Saen Lan (beckon hundred thousand million)

Year: BE 2562 (CE 2019)

Size: width 1 x height 2 cm

Material:Maha Chanuan (multi-metal)

Quantity Built: made 999 pieces.

Options: A (235), B (708), C (291)

Purpose: to earn proceeds from amulet for developing and restoring Wat Ban Nong Jik.

Consecration: holy blessing by LP Saen on the auspicious occasion.

Power: Nang Kwak is a benevolent spirit of wealth. Her image can be seen in many shops in Thailand in order to attract customers and money.

About LP Saen:
This is LuangpuSaen, a highly revered guru monk who is an abbot of Wat Ban NongJik, Sisaket Province. LP Saen was born on Thursday 10 September 2451 (1908 CE) in Sisaket Province. In childhood, he was a temple boy at Wat Ban Phong where his elder brother was an abbot before getting ordained as a novice.

During a novice, LP Saen received educational knowledge from LP Moom (Luang Por Moom, WatPraSatYerNuea, Sisaket Province) who was a famous guru monk in those days. Not only education, LP Saen also studied mantras in Khmer and Pali with LP Moom until he was good at them.
At age 21, LP Saen became a monk fully and continued studying with LP Moom and at age 24, resigned to help parents work for a living.

As a layman, LP Saen did not leave interest in religion. He persuaded his friends to study more mantras in Cambodia where he met many gurus who sharpened his knowledge. After that, LP Saen got ordained again.

After ordination, LP Saen dedicated himself to dharma and meditation. He went on a pilgrimage in the woods and mountains around Sisaket Province. LP Saen used to stay at several temples before people invited him to be an abbot at Wat Ban NongJik when he was 97. Although LP Saen gets older, he does a monk routine every day as usual and always has a merciful smile to visitors.

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Amulets by LP Saen, Wat Ban Nong Jik, Sisaket Province

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