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PDMPR616 : Attract Money & Good Business: Nam Rerk Lek Lai Sai Dak Sap (Money Trap) Amulet (LP Pha, Wat Duei Kai, Ubon Ratchathani Province)
with Katha: Wealth_Master
Stock Status Out of Stock   
Size 0.7 x 3 cm.


100% Authentic from the Temple

Don’t miss!

Name : Nam Rerk Lek Lai Sai Dak Sap (Money Trap) Amulet

From: LP Pha, Wat Duei Kai, Ubon Ratchathani Province

Origin: Thailand

Year: BE 2563 (CE 2020 )

Size: 0.7 x 3 cm.

Built: 49 pieces Only

Serial Number: 25

Material:This amulet made of Lek Lai and inscrioption Yant by LP Pha.

Purpose: Proceeds support the funds of sick monks and dialysis for LP Pha.

Consecration: Holy blessing by LP Pha and special blessing by LP Rak of Wat Sutthawad Wipatsana, Ayutthaya Province.

Power: Use to call good luck, money and good business.

“Sai” is the Thai fish trap. It is made of bamboo strap. Usually seen in local. It is used to catch fish, so people believe it can attract more money, too.

About LP Pha:
Luang Pu Pha (monk name: Gosalo) of Wat Duei Kai is a highly respected monk in Ubon Ratchathani Province. In 2015, he is 93 and has been a monk for 73 years.
People sometimes call him Luang Por Phee Yan that means a monk who makes ghost fear Luang Por means a monk and Phee Yan (northeastern Thai dialect) means making ghosts fear.
This name came from when LP Pha was a young monk, he helped people who were obsessed by ghosts with magic he had learnt from his lay guru master. People obsessed by ghosts screamed and after LP Pha treated, they became normal. At present, he is sometimes invited to do that by people living near Laos and Cambodia.
When LP Pha was newly ordained, he traveled to learn magic from many experts until he all understood. With his sacredness, he was once cut at throat by a criminal, but the blade did not cut his skin at all.
LP Pha is a good monk. All his life, he does good and helps people. Today, LP Pha lives at Wat Duei Kai, a small temple where he established by himself. This temple has only LP Pha and a lot of chickens. LP Pha feeds these chickens every day and they are very tame.

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Amulets by LP Pha, Wat Duei Kai, Ubon Ratchathani Province

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