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PGOOD09b : LIMITED: Mae Nang Kwak spirit. - Popular Bucha Style (LP Yaem, Wat Sam Ngam, Nakhon Pathom Province)
with Katha: NK_LPYaem
Stock Status Out of Stock   
Size 11 cm x 20 cm


Super power of Mae Nang Kwak statue by LP Yam

100% Authentic from temple

Name: Mae Nang Kwak spirit.

From: LP Yam, Wat Sam Ngam, Nakhon Pathom Province

Year: BE2551 (CE2008)

Color: Gold

Feature: A lady in Thai traditional clothes, sitting on her knees with the right hand up and the hand making the gesture to bring money to her-self.

Material:The materials used were:
- Soil from 7 Cemeteries.
- Bone.
- Soil from 7 salt-licks.

Size: 11 cm x 20 cm

Origin: Thailand

Purpose: LP Yaemrequire donation from this spirit for bulding the roof at Sam Nagm temple.

Consecration: LP Yaembleassed this Nang Kwak with magic spells one by one.

Power: People believed Nang Kwak by LP Yaemhas super power securing good fortune in business affairs to the owner and cross-species religious luck that exists.

According to LP Te and LP Yam.
1. People who would like to get the Mae Nang Kwak to worship; to help about your business must always worship the Nang Kwak and about what you wish to get from her. Whenever you get what you want or become richer, you should buy her ornament like Thai cloth, jewel and flower. She will be pleased with these offerings.
2. You want to be successful and lucky; you must say to her.
3. When you reach her in your house, please tell the spirit house, shrine in your house.
4. Tell the spirit house that you need her to help about your business, pleased let her to help you.
5. After cooking breakfast should be given at last one meal each day especially in the morning. While you are inviting her to have breakfast, you must give her first.
6. Worship Mae Nang Kwak with a class of water every day and some flower once a week with KaTha.
7. Don’t place the Nang Kwak face to the west or to the foot of the bed.
8. Don’t put Nang Kwak under the stairs.
9. Nang Kwak must be lower than the Buddha.
10. Before you go the bed, you must say the following with KaTha (Will get after you bid)

The Biography of LP Yam:
LP Yaemof Wat SamNagm, NakhonPaThom Province was born in 1915. Now he is 91 year old. LP Yaemwas ordained at the age of 23. He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. LP Yaemhas knowledge of Visha (magic) and has been studied the art of making efficacious Guman Thong from LP Te . LP Yaemis only one who succeeds in making the Guman Thong from LP Te . Regarding to making Guman Thong, he takes a shower once a year only. It is hard to believe but it is real that LP Yaemdoes not have a body odor.
LP Te was the first monk who created style of Guman Thong in the present era and popular for his knowledge in both holy Dharma and Visha.

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Amulets by LP Yaem, Wat Sam Ngam, Nakhon Pathom Province

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Good Luck Collectible B.E.2542 LP Yaem sits on rabbit coin
with Katha LPYaem_WatSamNgam

LP Yaem, Wat Sam Ngam, Nakhon Pathom Province

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