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PGOPZ1779 : Holy Ganesha Sitting on Kot Lek Lai (supernatural growable ore) Statue (LP Heng, Wat Thamphawangjan, Kanchanaburi Province)
with Katha: GA_Master
Stock Status Out of Stock   
Size 10 x 11 cm


100% Authentic from the Temple

Don’t miss to worship!

Name: Ganesha Statue Sitting on Kot Lek Lai Statue

Material:metal Ganesha image on Kot Lek Lai (supernatural growable ore) from Khao Uem Kruem (mountain), Kanchanaburi Province

Size: 10 x 11 cm

From: LP Heng, Wat Thamphawangjan, Kanchanaburi Province

Origin: Thailand

Year: 2545 BE (2002 CE)

Purpose: to earn proceeds from amulet for developing and restoring the temple

Description: This is a holy sculpture from wonderful material that was blessed by LP Heng, an experienced guru monk in 2002.

GANESHA, the Universal God of Wisdom, Success & Wealth:
Ganesha is one of Hindu deities, best known and most widely worshipped in the Hindu pantheon. His image is found throughout the world. In Thailand, Ganesha has been known well and worshipped for a long time. Ganesha is believed to know everything and have best wit. Ganesha is the deity of wisdom, success and wealth. Thais believe worshiping Ganesha will make the worshiper successful in studying and working especially in arts and performances as well as make the wishes of the worshiper come true. In addition, Ganesha worship is believed to remove problems, obstacles and difficulties from life.

It Is Beyond Science!

This is “Kot Lek Lai” or wonderfully growable ore that people firmly believe in its protection, wealth and other miraculous powers that will happen to a holder. In Thailand, Kot Lek Lai is mostly found in 4 areas:
1. Khao Uem Kruem (mountain), Kanchanaburi Province (West)
2. Koh Lan (island), Chonburi Provincethe (East)
3. Phrae Province (North)
4. Surin Province (lower Northeast) and along Thailand-Myanmar border

Kot Lek Lai is called differently according to its origin such as “Rae Khao Uem Kruem” (from Khao Uem Kruem) and “Rae Koh Lan” (from Koh Lan).

Kot Lek Lai is said to be taken care by holy spirits. Getting it is not easy. Person who tries to get must have enough magical powers or he may be in danger!

Kot Lek Lai can grow by itself, although Lek Lai is cut out. Believed chanting and doing meditation regularly or offering a drop of honey can make a piece of Kot Lek Lai grow well.
So people do not encase all body of Kot Lek Lai, but leave front side of casing open so that it can grow.

About LP Heng:

Regarding to Tham Phawang Jan, it is beautiful cave; there are many antique valuable in the cave such as Gem, Thai ancient weapon, etc. It is a place delves to meet the antique since primordial time. Including to metal era that human has using knife, pike, and spear. May be possible that in the time war Thai and Burma. Many people die in this area therefore, this cave is very the mystery. Whoever who go inside this cave and steal valuable things comes out must meet with the disaster. Even monks, who behave to no good practice, can't stay in the cave. Nobody dares to go inside the cave. In CE 1995 LP Heng “Tudong” need to find the quiet place to continues his learning in Dhamma and Sammahdti follow LP Kreung Supattho who a very famous monk in Northeast of Thailand. Until LP passed to this cave and shooed this place for make a meditation of Phra Tudong.
At first, there is an old pavilion. LP Heng want to develop the place become to a temple for teach people about Buddhism way and dharma. Now the location of cave is up from the Thamphawangjan temple and become the tourist attraction.
Many years later, LP Heng created a big Buddha statue. Name the image is “Luang Pho Heng”. Wat Thamphawangjan is new temple in the forest of Kanchanaburi Province. The temple is well known from Buddhists and visitors to study dharma practices. LP Heng is very knowledge of Visha and very highly respected. Every day many people go to the temple to meet LP Heng. LP knows everything and could forecast the future.

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Amulets by LP Heng, Wat Thamphawangjan, Kanchanaburi Province

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