SERM135 : SERM DUANG AJ Khaow: Good Luck, Wits & Health Candlelit Ceremony in Myanmar (AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province) | | |
| SERM DUANG AJ Khaow: Good Luck, Wits & Health Candlelit Ceremony
Booking Duration: Today - 20 June 2024
Performed by: AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province
Info: Join us for a special Candlelit Ceremony led by AJ Khaow, as we celebrate the good fortune, mental clarity, and overall well-being.
On this auspicious day, AJ will be at the sacred Kyaiktiyo Pagoda and Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar, to perform the candlelit ceremony. This ancient ritual is believed to bring blessings and good luck, foster wisdom and mental clarity, and promote overall health and well-being. AJ will also offer prayers and mantras to invoke the blessings of the Buddha and the deities.
How to Join Us:
To do the ceremony, AJ needs your name and date of birth. Please type your name and date of birth at the special command section when doing transaction on website or contact us at [email protected].
About the Master:
Ajarn Khaow is an occult master who keeps on superb Northern magic handed down from generations to generations. Today, he opens his own ritual house “Samnak Phravejlanna” to give people superstitious help.
When having an order, you can buy a Holy Gift at special price. Click on the link: https://shorturl.at/dosz8
| Amulets by AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province
Total 23 Record : 3 Page :
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Protection, Invulnerability Takrut Nang Suea (Tiger Takrut) with Katha TI_Master
AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province |

Love Enthroll Hearts Oil: Namman Saming Prai Maha Saneh with Katha Charm_Master
AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province |

Protection & Good Luck: Pu Jao Saming Prai Locket (Sky Blue BG) in Oil with Katha LS_PuJowSamingPrai
AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province |

Happy Love & Charming Nang Phaya (Princess with Prince) Locket with Katha Charm_Master
AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province |

Great Charming Singha Pu Chay (Nang Prai with Men) Locket with Katha Charm_Master
AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province |

LGBTQ+ Love Charm Lust: Kammasut Ying Sue Ying (Lesbian) Locket with Katha Charm_Master
AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province |

Wealth Love & Fulfill Wishes: Benevolent Female Ghost SPIRIT POWER- Mae Nang Prai Phee Ga Luang Statue with Katha PheeGaLuang_AJKhow
AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province |

Love Charm Gamble & Luck: Pretty 9 tail Fox Lady Locket (Nang Jing Jork Kao Hang) with Katha Charm_Master
AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province |

Protection Invulnerable Yant Nang Suea (Tiger Yant Talisman) with Katha TI_Master
AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province |

Approaching Love: Inn Ku (hugging lovers) amulet in Oil with Katha IK_Master
AJ Khaow, Samnak Phravejlanna, Chiang Mai Province |
Total 23 Record : 3 Page :
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